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Getting started

Get started by creating a new site.

Or try GraphQL-Markdown immediately with our demo.

New site​

What you'll need​

  • Node.js version 16.14 or above:
    • When installing Node.js, you are recommended to check all checkboxes related to dependencies.

Generate a new site​

Generate a new Docusaurus site using the GraphQL-Markdown template.

The template will automatically be added to your project after you run the command:

npm init docusaurus my-website

You can type this command into Command Prompt, Powershell, Terminal, or any other integrated terminal of your code editor.

The command also installs all necessary dependencies you need to run Docusaurus.

Add a GraphQL schema loader​

See schema loading.


The template comes by default with @graphql-tools/url-loader for remote schemas.

Start your site​

Run the development server:

cd my-website
npm start

The cd command changes the directory you're working with. To work with your newly created Docusaurus site, you'll need to navigate the terminal there.


The npm run doc is a template shortcut for command line document generation npm run docusaurus graphql-to-doc.

The npm run start command builds your website locally and serves it through a development server, ready for you to view at http://localhost:3000/.

Existing site​

What you'll need​

  • Node.js version 16.14 or above:
    • When installing Node.js, you are recommended to check all checkboxes related to dependencies.
  • Docusaurus instance version 2.0 or above with the docs feature:

Install the plugin​

Add the @graphql-markdown/docusaurus plugin to your site installation:

npm install @graphql-markdown/docusaurus graphql

The graphql package is a peer-dependency, and it should be installed if not yet present.

Add a GraphQL schema loader​

See schema loading.

Configure the plugin​

See configuration.

Update your documentation​

Build your website:

npm run docusaurus build


Run the documentation generator using CLI:

npm run docusaurus graphql-to-doc

The npm run docusaurus graphql-to-doc command generates MDX files locally from your GraphQL schema. The possible command flags are documented in settings.