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Anime or Manga

type Media {
id: Int!
idMal: Int
title: MediaTitle
type: MediaType
format: MediaFormat
status(version: Int): MediaStatus
description(asHtml: Boolean): String
startDate: FuzzyDate
endDate: FuzzyDate
season: MediaSeason
seasonYear: Int
seasonInt: Int @deprecated
episodes: Int
duration: Int
chapters: Int
volumes: Int
countryOfOrigin: CountryCode
isLicensed: Boolean
source(version: Int): MediaSource
hashtag: String
trailer: MediaTrailer
updatedAt: Int
coverImage: MediaCoverImage
bannerImage: String
genres: [String]
synonyms: [String]
averageScore: Int
meanScore: Int
popularity: Int
isLocked: Boolean
trending: Int
favourites: Int
tags: [MediaTag]
relations: MediaConnection
sort: [CharacterSort]
role: CharacterRole
page: Int
perPage: Int
): CharacterConnection
staff(sort: [StaffSort], page: Int, perPage: Int): StaffConnection
studios(sort: [StudioSort], isMain: Boolean): StudioConnection
isFavourite: Boolean!
isFavouriteBlocked: Boolean!
isAdult: Boolean
nextAiringEpisode: AiringSchedule
notYetAired: Boolean
page: Int
perPage: Int
): AiringScheduleConnection
sort: [MediaTrendSort]
releasing: Boolean
page: Int
perPage: Int
): MediaTrendConnection
externalLinks: [MediaExternalLink]
streamingEpisodes: [MediaStreamingEpisode]
rankings: [MediaRank]
mediaListEntry: MediaList
limit: Int
sort: [ReviewSort]
page: Int
perPage: Int
): ReviewConnection
sort: [RecommendationSort]
page: Int
perPage: Int
): RecommendationConnection
stats: MediaStats
siteUrl: String
autoCreateForumThread: Boolean
isRecommendationBlocked: Boolean
isReviewBlocked: Boolean
modNotes: String

Fields ● Int! non-null scalar

The id of the media

Media.idMal ● Int scalar

The mal id of the media

Media.title ● MediaTitle object

The official titles of the media in various languages

Media.type ● MediaType enum

The type of the media; anime or manga

Media.format ● MediaFormat enum

The format the media was released in

Media.status ● MediaStatus enum

The current releasing status of the media

Media.status.version ● Int scalar

Provide 2 to use new version 2 of sources enum

Media.description ● String scalar

Short description of the media's story and characters

Media.description.asHtml ● Boolean scalar

Return the string in pre-parsed html instead of markdown

Media.startDate ● FuzzyDate object

The first official release date of the media

Media.endDate ● FuzzyDate object

The last official release date of the media

Media.season ● MediaSeason enum

The season the media was initially released in

Media.seasonYear ● Int scalar

The season year the media was initially released in

Media.episodes ● Int scalar

The amount of episodes the anime has when complete

Media.duration ● Int scalar

The general length of each anime episode in minutes

Media.chapters ● Int scalar

The amount of chapters the manga has when complete

Media.volumes ● Int scalar

The amount of volumes the manga has when complete

Media.countryOfOrigin ● CountryCode scalar

Where the media was created. (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)

Media.isLicensed ● Boolean scalar

If the media is officially licensed or a self-published doujin release

Media.source ● MediaSource enum

Source type the media was adapted from.

Media.source.version ● Int scalar

Provide 2 or 3 to use new version 2 or 3 of sources enum

Media.hashtag ● String scalar

Official Twitter hashtags for the media

Media.trailer ● MediaTrailer object

Media trailer or advertisement

Media.updatedAt ● Int scalar

When the media's data was last updated

Media.coverImage ● MediaCoverImage object

The cover images of the media

Media.bannerImage ● String scalar

The banner image of the media

Media.genres ● [String] list scalar

The genres of the media

Media.synonyms ● [String] list scalar

Alternative titles of the media

Media.averageScore ● Int scalar

A weighted average score of all the user's scores of the media

Media.meanScore ● Int scalar

Mean score of all the user's scores of the media

Media.popularity ● Int scalar

The number of users with the media on their list

Media.isLocked ● Boolean scalar

Locked media may not be added to lists our favorited. This may be due to the entry pending for deletion or other reasons.

Media.trending ● Int scalar

The amount of related activity in the past hour

Media.favourites ● Int scalar

The amount of user's who have favourited the media

Media.tags ● [MediaTag] list object

List of tags that describes elements and themes of the media

Media.relations ● MediaConnection object

Other media in the same or connecting franchise

Media.characters ● CharacterConnection object

The characters in the media

Media.characters.sort ● [CharacterSort] list enum
Media.characters.role ● CharacterRole enum ● Int scalar

The page

Media.characters.perPage ● Int scalar

The amount of entries per page, max 25

Media.staff ● StaffConnection object

The staff who produced the media

Media.staff.sort ● [StaffSort] list enum ● Int scalar

The page

Media.staff.perPage ● Int scalar

The amount of entries per page, max 25

Media.studios ● StudioConnection object

The companies who produced the media

Media.studios.sort ● [StudioSort] list enum
Media.studios.isMain ● Boolean scalar

Media.isFavourite ● Boolean! non-null scalar

If the media is marked as favourite by the current authenticated user

Media.isFavouriteBlocked ● Boolean! non-null scalar

If the media is blocked from being added to favourites

Media.isAdult ● Boolean scalar

If the media is intended only for 18+ adult audiences

Media.nextAiringEpisode ● AiringSchedule object

The media's next episode airing schedule

Media.airingSchedule ● AiringScheduleConnection object

The media's entire airing schedule

Media.airingSchedule.notYetAired ● Boolean scalar

Filter to episodes that have not yet aired ● Int scalar

The page

Media.airingSchedule.perPage ● Int scalar

The amount of entries per page, max 25

Media.trends ● MediaTrendConnection object

The media's daily trend stats

Media.trends.sort ● [MediaTrendSort] list enum
Media.trends.releasing ● Boolean scalar

Filter to stats recorded while the media was releasing ● Int scalar

The page

Media.trends.perPage ● Int scalar

The amount of entries per page, max 25

External links to another site related to the media

Media.streamingEpisodes ● [MediaStreamingEpisode] list object

Data and links to legal streaming episodes on external sites

Media.rankings ● [MediaRank] list object

The ranking of the media in a particular time span and format compared to other media

Media.mediaListEntry ● MediaList object

The authenticated user's media list entry for the media ● ReviewConnection object

User reviews of the media ● Int scalar ● [ReviewSort] list enum ● Int scalar

The page ● Int scalar

The amount of entries per page, max 25

Media.recommendations ● RecommendationConnection object

User recommendations for similar media

Media.recommendations.sort ● [RecommendationSort] list enum ● Int scalar

The page

Media.recommendations.perPage ● Int scalar

The amount of entries per page, max 25

Media.stats ● MediaStats object

Media.siteUrl ● String scalar

The url for the media page on the AniList website

Media.autoCreateForumThread ● Boolean scalar

If the media should have forum thread automatically created for it on airing episode release

Media.isRecommendationBlocked ● Boolean scalar

If the media is blocked from being recommended to/from

Media.isReviewBlocked ● Boolean scalar

If the media is blocked from being reviewed

Media.modNotes ● String scalar

Notes for site moderators

Show deprecated

Returned By

Media query

Member Of

AiringNotification object ● AiringSchedule object ● CharacterEdge object ● InternalPage object ● ListActivity object ● MediaConnection object ● MediaDataChangeNotification object ● MediaEdge object ● MediaList object ● MediaMergeNotification object ● MediaSubmission object ● MediaSubmissionEdge object ● MediaTrend object ● Page object ● Recommendation object ● RelatedMediaAdditionNotification object ● Review object ● RevisionHistory object ● Thread object